Daytona Patient Screening Form
Please fill out this form before your visit.
Please check Yes or No to all of the following:
Anemia (or other blood condition).*
Please select either Yes or No if you have any of the following:
These will not prevent you from having an MRI procedure, but it is important for us to know this information.
Any type of surgical clip or staple?
Any IV access port (e.g. Hiekman, Port-o-Cath)?*
Have you had a Spinal Fusion procedure?
Have you had a Spinal Fusion device?*
Do you have an artificial limb?*
Have you ever had a reaction with Contrast?*
Neurostimulator or Vagel Stimulator*
Inferior Vena Cava FIlter*
Hearing Aids/Cochlear Implant(s)*